Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Dvorak Keyboard

    Although the QWERTY keyboard is the most commonly used keyboard format, a second keyboard with emerging popularity also exists called the Dvorak keyboard. This keyboard has all the numbers in the same place as the QWERTY keyboard but all the letters have been rearranged. Users of the Dvorak keyboard claim that if time and devotion are put towards learning how to use the Dvorak format, a user can adapt to the new format in about a month.
   It is easier said than done to switch to the Dvorak format, however. Since nearly all computers still use qwerty format, it is difficult for a user to practice using only the Dvorak format since most people will have to use non-personal computers through out their week which will disrupt Dvorak practice. But for those that are passionate enough to try and learn the new format there are lessons and tutors who are willing to help anyone who desires to switch from qwerty to Dvorak.

Why QWERTY was Invented

    There is one simple reason why the QWERTY keyboard is the keyboard that we still use today; one of the first men who created the typewriter made QWERTY the format for typing. Besides this there is no other reason why C. L. Sholes (the creator of the QWERTY format) other than this is simply where he decided to put the letters on his type writer. It was not an accepted keyboard at first but in 1878 the QWERTY keyboard was patented. “In this case, the answer lies in the old proverb about the early bird catching the worm. As far as the typewriter keyboard is concerned, being first was the whole ball game.”

    After being patented it became used worldwide and is now known as the "Universal" keyboard. Most people today use this format when they type or text because it is the most accessible and in most people's opinions the easiest way to type. Although several other keyboards have been introduced (such as the ABCD... keyboard which has all the letters in alphabetical order) but the QWERTY keyboard is the only one that has stuck.


How to Take Precautions with Wireless Networks

    Creating a wireless network for your home or office is vital today in a world where so much happens online. Keeping a wireless network safe is key to ensuring the safety of not only the wireless network but also every computer that connects to the network to get online. If a hacker can hack into the wireless router or modem, they are given easy access to the computers that connect online via that modem. To keep the wireless network safe, a password much be added in order to keep the line secure and restricted to only those who are allowed access. 

    As mentioned in the previous topic, creating a strong password is vital to keeping your wireless network safe. Once a wireless network has a password, it is encrypted and only connectable by people who input the network password into their computers when they are trying to connect. Once a network password has been created, it is also advised that a password be created to gain access to every computer connecting to the network as well, so that even if a hacker does manage to gain access into the network, they would have to hack into each and every computer that connects to the network. Passwords are the easiest and safest way to keep the wireless network and all the computers that connect to it safe.


Creating Strong Passwords

     “Keys to password strength: length and complexity”. With this being said, it is vital that all passwords are good enough to safeguard all the files of the user who has an account requiring a password. Creating short password with commonly used phrases or personal information is not a very good way to create a password. Not only can greedy people in your life more easily guess your password but the software that hackers use to guessed people's passwords will take much less time to crack the code. So instead of using the date 331967(march 3rd 1967), the account user should make a password that does not resemble any personal information like 3gehfY75. This password is random and is nearly impossible to guess.

    Another method to increase password security is to add all sorts of symbols into the password. Let us take the 3gehY75 example and expand on it. This sort of password is fine for a cellphone, for example, but it is very dangerous to use this as a bank password. A better password for accounts that need to stay secure would be 3!&geII9hY7?5$$. This password is not only complex but it is very lengthy and would take a hacker much too long to correctly crack the code. Creating a lengthy, complex and completely unique password is the key to keeping all accounts safe and nearly untouchable.


Internet Filters and Parental Control

     Internet filters block unsafe or unsuitable websites, most of the time for young or student computer users. These filters block websites that are deemed unsafe for children users or that can be harmful to a computer regardless of who uses the internet. Offices use internet filters mainly to safeguard the company against computer viruses. Filters protect children from inappropriate websites and all users from unsafe websites that could potentially have viruses.

    Parental controls are controls set by parents that prevent children at home from doing or viewing certain things on home computers. This includes blocking unsafe or unsuitable websites and preventing children from using software that is not appropriate for their age. Parents can also install internet nannies which monitor which websites their children go on to help either prevent future viewing of unsafe websites or inappropriate websites. All these options give parents the tools to keep their children safe and protect important computer documents that should not be opened by children or hackers.



     Radio frequency identification are the next generation of bar codes. They will provide quicker checkouts at stores by labeling each item with a RFID code that can be scanned at checkout to make buying items faster and less of a hassle. Instead of the checkout we are all used to, however, checking out an item is as simple as putting the item in your shopping cart and leaving the store. A store RFID computer will register your purchase and likely charge your credit card the cost of the items. This would eliminate waiting in line and would likely give stores a better way to keep track of how many items have been sold of each item in the store.     
    This kind of tracking was only used for livestock in the past but today tracks items from their creation all the way to their finished spot in stores. Anything can be tracked from cars to medical patients. RFID may one day become too much a part of human lives because it may ultimately track the shopping habits of humans to better aid them in their shopping. RFID improves every year and may have negative side effects that give away too much personal information about all types of shoppers.
http://popsci.typepad.com/photos/uncategorized/2007/09/13/rfid.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c7/Microchip_rfid_rice.jpg/220px-Microchip_rfid_rice.jpg  http://electronics.howstuffworks.com/gadgets/high-tech-gadgets/rfid.htm

Digital Image Steganography

Digital means a file that can be stored on a computer or electronic device. Image means that the file is a picture or animation. “The term steganography comes from the Greek words meaning “to cover tightly” and “writing.” In other words, steganography refers to hiding a file within a computer or computer-like device. “Digital steganography refers to concealing a message in a digital format.”
     The main goal of DIS is to keep an image file secret and undetectable to outside eyes. This way, the image file can not be found and remains a closed file.
http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41hI1%2BV2sML._SL500_AA300_.jpg  https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg2YIgVApnljyLOD6HNktBy8fljLU6lu_7vDvL8Ip49VxmzyoW9Rlymvnfuw37XJ-O8JSly9m6txgAX2NfecXg93KWUS-OXTEvFHQeHpcYjN20X6MZzP9cQWkELFTSqWPrBoxokvrdGCReD/s1600/steganography2.jpg  http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-digital-steganography.htm 

Computer Forensics

     Computer forensics is discovering what happened, how, when and why a computer system is not operating correctly. It collects the data within the computer itself and provides it for the user or operator. Computer failure, misuse, improper functioning or tampering are all recorded by using computer forensics. One of the main reasons to use computer forensics is to look further into one of the four issues mentioned about to see if a person caused a computer problem or if the computer had an error by itself. Deleted and no longer “available” files can be obtained by performing a computer forensics report which can help investigators while looking for the cause of computer problems.
     According to http://www.csisite.net, there are four main possibilities to have computer forensics; “1. Get into law enforcement, the FBI, CIA, or other investigative agency.
2. Get into the information security or computing investigations department of a private company.
3. Work for a company that specializes in computer forensics and/or electronic discovery.
4. Start your own business providing computer forensic services and consulting.”
Law enforcement officials are the most obvious users of computer forensics because they need to investigate into computer systems for the crimes they are looking into. Security within a company is essential to protect the information of the company against outside computer hackers. Companies that specialize in computer forensics exist to protect other companies, businesses and citizens against hackers or computer failures.
