Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Creating Strong Passwords

     “Keys to password strength: length and complexity”. With this being said, it is vital that all passwords are good enough to safeguard all the files of the user who has an account requiring a password. Creating short password with commonly used phrases or personal information is not a very good way to create a password. Not only can greedy people in your life more easily guess your password but the software that hackers use to guessed people's passwords will take much less time to crack the code. So instead of using the date 331967(march 3rd 1967), the account user should make a password that does not resemble any personal information like 3gehfY75. This password is random and is nearly impossible to guess.

    Another method to increase password security is to add all sorts of symbols into the password. Let us take the 3gehY75 example and expand on it. This sort of password is fine for a cellphone, for example, but it is very dangerous to use this as a bank password. A better password for accounts that need to stay secure would be 3!&geII9hY7?5$$. This password is not only complex but it is very lengthy and would take a hacker much too long to correctly crack the code. Creating a lengthy, complex and completely unique password is the key to keeping all accounts safe and nearly untouchable.


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