Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Internet Filters and Parental Control

     Internet filters block unsafe or unsuitable websites, most of the time for young or student computer users. These filters block websites that are deemed unsafe for children users or that can be harmful to a computer regardless of who uses the internet. Offices use internet filters mainly to safeguard the company against computer viruses. Filters protect children from inappropriate websites and all users from unsafe websites that could potentially have viruses.

    Parental controls are controls set by parents that prevent children at home from doing or viewing certain things on home computers. This includes blocking unsafe or unsuitable websites and preventing children from using software that is not appropriate for their age. Parents can also install internet nannies which monitor which websites their children go on to help either prevent future viewing of unsafe websites or inappropriate websites. All these options give parents the tools to keep their children safe and protect important computer documents that should not be opened by children or hackers.


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