Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Computer Forensics

     Computer forensics is discovering what happened, how, when and why a computer system is not operating correctly. It collects the data within the computer itself and provides it for the user or operator. Computer failure, misuse, improper functioning or tampering are all recorded by using computer forensics. One of the main reasons to use computer forensics is to look further into one of the four issues mentioned about to see if a person caused a computer problem or if the computer had an error by itself. Deleted and no longer “available” files can be obtained by performing a computer forensics report which can help investigators while looking for the cause of computer problems.
     According to http://www.csisite.net, there are four main possibilities to have computer forensics; “1. Get into law enforcement, the FBI, CIA, or other investigative agency.
2. Get into the information security or computing investigations department of a private company.
3. Work for a company that specializes in computer forensics and/or electronic discovery.
4. Start your own business providing computer forensic services and consulting.”
Law enforcement officials are the most obvious users of computer forensics because they need to investigate into computer systems for the crimes they are looking into. Security within a company is essential to protect the information of the company against outside computer hackers. Companies that specialize in computer forensics exist to protect other companies, businesses and citizens against hackers or computer failures.


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