Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Digital Image Steganography

Digital means a file that can be stored on a computer or electronic device. Image means that the file is a picture or animation. “The term steganography comes from the Greek words meaning “to cover tightly” and “writing.” In other words, steganography refers to hiding a file within a computer or computer-like device. “Digital steganography refers to concealing a message in a digital format.”
     The main goal of DIS is to keep an image file secret and undetectable to outside eyes. This way, the image file can not be found and remains a closed file.
http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41hI1%2BV2sML._SL500_AA300_.jpg  https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg2YIgVApnljyLOD6HNktBy8fljLU6lu_7vDvL8Ip49VxmzyoW9Rlymvnfuw37XJ-O8JSly9m6txgAX2NfecXg93KWUS-OXTEvFHQeHpcYjN20X6MZzP9cQWkELFTSqWPrBoxokvrdGCReD/s1600/steganography2.jpg  http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-digital-steganography.htm 

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